Monday, March 9, 2009

I'm following the trend here, just added RSS feature to my blog, so you can subscribe to my blog to get the news and other updates.

it's always a thrill to look at your own work in print! this is an illustration I did a while back for MovieMaker magazine. thanks to the art director Rob Hewitt for giving me total freedom to do what I wanted. and also I was glad to find out that fellow illustrator Jon Han has a piece in the same issue as well! make sure to check out his work here, big fan!

Jon's piece


Jon Han said...

Really great piece Nick,

and thanks for the mention.

dave said...

oh nice dewd!

Alejandro Leon said...

Awesome work Nick. And very sensitive.

Anna See said...

GO Nick! :)

Rona said...

NICK! you're famous! :]
how delicate and colorful. I should subscribe....i've never done it before tho, hope it's not hard...